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Kinetico K5 Drinking Water Station

Kinetico K5 Drinking Water Station


Premium filtration systems giving you ultra pure water on demand. The K5 has multple choices to fit your needs. We'll also suplly a tap with any style you please.


K5 Pure

Premium filtration systems giving you ultra pure water on demand.


  • Advanced Reverse Osmosis System
  • Delicious Tasting Water and Food
  • Independently certified
  • Purer Water than Bottled and Jug Filters
  • Efficient and Economical to Run
  • Simple and Easy to install


K5 Pure Plus

  • All of the above
  • Adds mineral plus filter, ensuring all the good minerals are put back in.


K5 Pure Ultra

  • All of the benifits of the K5 Pure
  • The very best in water purification. The ultimate drinking water system, so advanced it will deliver bio pure water, taking out 99.9% of impurities including bacteria and viruses. Suitable for those who demand the highest level of protection.


Price excludes installation 

For your unique quotation specifically for your home please contact us here.

T&C's apply.

The Kinetico K5 Pure water filter uses RO (Reverse Osmosis). An advanced filtering process where water is pushed through a semi-permeable membrane to trap contaminants, producing clean, crystal clear and delicious tasting drinking water.

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